A Tool to Help You Love Yourself Unconditionally


Hi friends! Today, I’m thrilled to share with you a beautiful, healing, and inspiring card deck that I’ve been obsessed with as of late.

Created by Tiny Buddha contributor Rita Loyd, the Unconditional Self-Love Message Card Deck contains fifty colorful art images, each with an accompanying message on how to cultivate unconditional self-love on the back.

At 2.5”x 3.5“, the deck is small enough to carry within a purse or pocket if you’d like to keep these messages close, should you need a little boost of self-love throughout your day. You can either pull a card to reflect on the written message or just use the art as a focal point as you take a series of deep, cleansing breaths while rubbing your arms or holding your hand on your heart.

Why Is Unconditional Self-Love Important?

Many of us learned young to only offer ourselves acceptance, kindness, and care when we believe we’ve earned them and, conversely, to beat ourselves up when we’re having a hard time. I know I did.

Since it’s human nature to struggle, this means many of us end up spending our whole lives berating, judging, and shaming ourselves, waiting for a day when we’ll finally be good enough for our own love—a day that ultimately never comes.

And it shows in the choices we make for ourselves. When we don’t believe we deserve good things, we accept things that hurt us in all areas of our lives without realizing we’re actually attracting them. The only way to experience better in life is to believe that we deserve better, and that starts with developing an unwavering sense of self-love that we nurture every day.

The Unconditional Self-Love Message Card Deck can help you do just that. It can help you see the good in yourself, appreciate yourself, take care of yourself, and open yourself up to a life of love, peace, and joy.


Rita’s deck provides practical guidance in small, easy-to-digest doses, with evocative art images that awaken the heart. Her messages aren’t just cliché, feel-good sentiments; they’re powerful reminders that can help us embody self-love and honor ourselves in every choice we make.

Add the Unconditional Self-Love Message Card Deck to your self-care toolkit, and you’ll have a supportive friend inside your pocket whenever you need a reminder that you’re worthy of love and care.

You can get the Unconditional Self-Love Message Card Deck here. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!

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