How You Can Build Wealth In The Upcoming Recession With Resilience Coaches And Bestselling Authors Stéph & Shay


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Life coaches and business coaches have long been helping people unlock their potential and achieve their goals for decades. Names such as Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, and others certainly dominate the space – and with good reason. However, Stéph & Shay, bestselling authors of the book “Master Your Mindpower: A User Manual for Your Mind and The Ultimate Guide To Mental Toughness” have carved out a unique niche in the coaching world with their focus on resilience coaching. By studying the behaviors and patterns of the world’s highest performers, Stéph & Shay have amassed a following of individuals looking to master their greatest asset – their mindpower – to build better lives for themselves.

Stéph & Shay’s journey began with a simple goal: to understand the inner workings of the greatest minds in the world. After writing their bestselling book, they emerged as the number one resilience coaches globally, according to Apple News. Now, while experts are calling for a recession in the global economy, Stéph & Shay are looking to provide people around the world with the mental tools to thrive – even in a recession.

Secret #1: Gain Knowledge of Your Mind Power

Stéph & Shay emphasize the importance of understanding how the brain works and learning to control one’s thoughts. They believe that gaining the right knowledge is crucial for making a difference in one’s life. Based on a simple formula, they help their clients to detach themselves from their running parachutes. Stéph explained, “You know how athletes train with a parachute so that they can be faster when running in a game? We as humans do that mentally with the emotional baggage we carry.” While working on identifying their client’s “parachutes,” they follow the formula E + R = O or spelled out: Event plus Response equals Outcome. “As our clients learn this formula, they can navigate through their negative thought patterns, determine the origins of these patterns, and ultimately – begin to understand that they have the power to change all of this.”

Secret #2: Turning Knowledge Into Practical Skills

Once they have learned how their mind works and identifies the parachutes that they are carrying, it’s time for Stéph & Shay’s clients to be in alignment with their 3Ps.

Shay shared, “It’s crucial to align your principles, passion, and purpose. When you have a clear understanding of what’s important to you, what drives you, and why you are here, you can make decisions and take actions that are in line with your 3Ps and your goals. Once that’s done, we can create a roadmap for where you need to go.”

With a roadmap in place, they begin to teach their clients the skills and routines that high performers such as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Navy Seals, and others use to fulfill their goals. “We spent over a decade researching these people and learning their skills. Now, we teach everyone we work with to use the same mindpower skills in their own life.”

Secret #3: Attitude Carries You Even When Things Go Wrong

One of Stéph & Shay’s favorite quotes is from Sam Walton. While in the middle of building his retail empire, he was asked about what he thought of the recession of the 1990s, his answer was this. “I’ve thought about it [the recession], and I’ve chosen not to participate.” This is exactly the mentality they look to instill in all of their tribe. Stéph stressed the importance of attitude when facing a recession. “90% of people struggle in a recession, and the other 10% thrive. We want to help people be part of that 10% by having the proper attitude.” What’s great about Stéph & Shay’s program is that attitude is a natural result of practicing steps one and two. When you take the necessary steps to master your mindpower and start walking in that mastery, you can’t help but develop an attitude of success, positivity, and opportunity. And of course, that’s exactly what you need when facing the difficulties that a recession may bring.

About Stéph & Shay

Based on their own experiences and over a decade of researching high-performing individuals, Stéph & Shay’s resilience coaching offers a powerful and transformative approach to personal and professional development. By mastering their mind power, individuals can overcome challenges, build wealth, and thrive even during economic downturns. To learn more about Stéph and Shay’s life-changing coaching programs, visit their website at Also, don’t miss the opportunity to grab a copy of their bestselling book, “Master Your Mindpower,” and learn more about their strategies to succeed during a recession.

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