I do not know
Why I prefer to walk.
It is like this:
Walking feels like
Such an enjoyable experience.
Walking is a
Happier way to travel.
While others use vehicles,
I feel that walking
Is a better option:
In fact, walking helps me
To think clearly;
Walking is an exercise
Which is good for the soul,
And walking teaches you about
The mind, body and spirit connection.
Walking is organic, natural, after all,
Like flying is for birds.
While walking, you can
Make new discoveries, such
As finding restaurants, a circus,
Or even a different route for travel.
Walking fills you up
With energy and makes
Your skin glow.
And if you don’t like
To walk, why you can
Choose to amble along, strolling.
Walking lifts your spirits
And you find that there
Is a song on your lips
And a dance in your steps,
And you can whistle
A tune while you walk:
Therefore, please
Make up your mind
To walk whenever
Walking is convenient for you.
Trust me,
You won’t live
To regret your
Decision to walk,
Preferably in the outdoors,
Where Mother Nature resides
In all her bounty and splendor.
Come on, then:
Would you likeÂ
To join me for a walk?
For a change,Â
Abandon your hulky
And expensive vehicles;
Forget about your need
For approval and social status,
Start moving your body,
And walk likeÂ
Children and animals do.
I assure you:
Walking is one of the
Best decisions you will
Ever make in your life.
And there is no need
To discuss or read
The literature on walking,
Or consult with professionals
Like medical doctors, physiotherapists,
Dieticians, nutritionists, and so on.
All you really need to do
Is to put one foot in front
Of the other and start walking.
After all,
Walking throughout the day,
Is an ancient practice
Which we have conveniently
Overlooked in our rush
To conform to modern
Society and its prescriptions,
Descriptions and requirements.
Thus, it is time to
Ignore the experts and critics
And re-discover theÂ
Joy of walking based on
Your own whims and fancies.
Good luck and best wishes
On your decision to walk!
Dr. Archan Mehta has earned a PhD. in Management. Currently, Dr. Mehta is a Freelance Writer and Consultant based in India. Over the years, Dr. Mehta’s creative work has been featured in numerous publications in India, U.K., USA, South Africa and the Middle East. In his free time, Dr. Mehta likes to stroll in the outdoors, party with close friends, listen to music and stay on top of current events. Dr. Mehta is also fond of meditation. Please feel free to reach out to Dr. Mehta at archanm@hotmail.com