Losing a loved one is never easy. No matter how much we argue that death is inevitable and that we should be ready to face it at all times, It is the one thing humans never get used to. The end. The full stop to this life. It is the only truth lurking around the corners of life at all times and perhaps the only truth that we hate to face.
If losing was not easy, then recovering from the loss of the one you loved is almost unrealistic. Such is the pain of losing one’s Grandmother. We never recover from this kind of pain. We only bury them deep in our hearts and the passing of time acts as more sand on their graves. But they are always there, behind every smile, every tear, and every hushed sob. The time seems frozen in their hour of death and you do not know for how long you’ve been standing there. Waiting for an answer or some kind of hope to know that your loved ones were not in pain. That they passed away easily, silently. Time is frozen and we are just waiting there for someone to reach inside the deep shadows in our hearts and pull our souls out of the despair.
The only way that you can help someone going through this tough time is through your actions and your words. When someone fails to notice your actions, words act as the only rope that can stop them from falling further down. Losing their grandmother must have felt like their whole world fell apart. Do not let them indulge in this sorrow alone. Let them know that you are there.
Let your words be the lighting guide they need. Snuggle them in the warmth of your comforting words. If you cannot seem to find the right words, borrow a few from here and convey your heartfelt condolences.
Long Heartfelt Sympathy Messages For The Loss Of A Grandmother
If you know someone whose grandmother just passed away, know that they must be missing the unconditional love their grandmother gave them throughout their life. This is a really hard time for them because they have lost a very good friend.
Even if you are someone who has lost a grandmother, take comfort in these words and know that your grandmother is at peace.
I know you had a really special bond with your grandma so this must be so difficult for you. I hope you can take comfort in friends and family and find strength from those loved ones. My deepest sympathy for your loss
It was so sad to hear of your grandmothers passing. She was a lovely woman and will be deeply missed. My condolences for your loss
Any time you lose someone as special as your grandmother it is a tragedy. I can only offer my support and hope you get through this
Sending my sincerest condolences for your untimely loss. Your grandmother was such a fantastic lady and I know how close you were. I’m so sorry for your loss
I was fortunate enough to meet your grandmother and could tell how proud of you she was. I can’t know how terrible this is for you but you will be in my thoughts and prayers
Your grandmother was a woman we could all look up to. Her kindness, strength and integrity are just a few of the things we can learn and hope to emulate. Please accept my sympathy for your loss
Sending all my love and wishing you the strength needed to get through such tough times. Your grandmother was a wonderful lady. She will be sorely missed by so many. I am so sorry for your terrible loss
Even though your granny has passed her memories will live on with you. Try to hold onto those during this difficult time. My condolences
If you need anything don’t hesitate to ask. I know you and your grandmother were very close so this must be extraordinarily hard for you. I can be there for support or just to talk if you need me
You and your whole family will be in my thoughts. Your grandmother meant the world to so many people and her loss will be felt by them all. It’s such awful news. My condolences
I can offer nothing but these few words to hopefully comfort you and to be there as a friend. Whatever it is you need I’ll make it my duty to help
Please remember you’re not alone. We will be here for you as you mourn and grieve, and we will do all we can to help you get through it. Your grandmother was a special, lovely lady – never forget her
I can’t pretend to understand what you’re feeling but I can be a good shoulder to cry on or someone to listen. I’m sending my love and condolences to you and your family
May your faith and the love of God offer comfort and solace from the grief you’re feeling. He will help you find peace.
My most heartfelt condolences for the loss of your beloved grandmother. She will be remembered for all the right reasons. My deepest sympathy
I’m sending my love as you cope with a tragic loss. You are always welcome to get in touch if there’s anything you need or you think it might help. All my love and sympathy
The word sorry seems so meaningless at a time like this. But I hope you know how many people are thinking of you right now.
Grandma’s didn’t come any better than yours. She was amazing and her loss will leave a huge hole in so many lives
Try to remember the good times and how amazing your grandmother was. She would want you to carry you and be strong
We were so terribly shocked to learn of your grandmothers passing and so saddened by it. Her loss will be felt by many and we’ve lost a great woman. I’m sending you all my love and hope you’re coping ok
All my sympathies for the loss of your wonderful grandma. She was as loving as she was funny and I feel lucky to have known her. She will never be forgotten
Just a quick note to say how sorry I am for your loss and that I’m thinking of you. I’m here if I’m needed
There’s no one like our grandma’s. They’re just so special. I’m deeply sorry to hear of your loss and send all my love for you to get through this. My sympathies
Short Sympathy Messages For The Loss Of A Grandmother
I am here for you if you need me. Don’t hesitate to ask for anything
Your grandmother was a truly special lady who we will all miss
I can only say how sorry I am for the loss of your dear grandma
You are in my thoughts and prayers
My heartfelt condolences for the passing of your grandmother
She was a one in a million and can never be replaced
She will always be in your heart and watching over you
My most sincere and heartfelt condolences for the passing of a great woman – your grandmother
She led a truly astonishing life and one we can all be inspired by
Your Grandmother was an incredible woman
We were deeply distressed by hearing of your loss. We are here if you need us
Grandma has found eternal rest
May special memories you shared with your Grandmother bring you comfort
No words can describe how sorry I am for your loss
I’m going to miss her, too. [Name] was a special person
Sharing in your sorrow with love and friendship
Please accept my deepest condolences for your family’s loss
I’m always there in your hour of need. May her soul rest in peace
I am thinking about your loss and sending love
Sympathy Messages To Say In Person On The Loss Of A Grandmother
Loving words can help take off some pain from the hearts of a grieving grandson or granddaughter.
What an amazing person and what a remarkable life
My sincerest condolences on the death of your Grandmother
Grandma will always be in your heart and the many others that loved her
We are so sorry for your loss of Grandma
My thoughts are with you and your family. Nonna will be missed
Our family will miss her, too
Sharing in your sadness as you remember Granny
I am so sorry for your loss
I hope you feel surrounded by much love
Quotes For The Loss Of A Grandmother
If you are someone who has lost their grandmother, these quotes will help you deal with the pain. You can even use these quotes in a eulogy for your Nanna or as a farewell note to her.
Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just you all day and now the day was complete
Marcy DeMaree
There’s no place like home – except Grandma’s
Grandmothers and roses are much the same. Each is a God’s masterpiece with different names
Grandmothers always have time to talk and make you feel special
Catherine Pulsifer
Grandmas hold our tiny hands for just a little while, but our hearts forever
A grandmother is a remarkable woman. She’s a wonderful combination of warmth and kindness, laughter and love
There are grandmothers out there who would move heaven and earth for their grandchildren
Janice Elliott-Howard
Parent-child relationships are complex. Grandmother-grandchild relationships are simple. Grandmas are short on criticism and long on love
Janet Lanese
A garden of love grows in a Grandmother’s heart
Grandmothers and roses are much the same. Each is a God’s masterpiece with different names
A grandma is warm hugs and sweet memories. She remembers all of your accomplishments and forgets all of your mistakes
Barbara Cage
If nothing is going well, call your grandmother
Italian Proverb
Every parent knows that children look at their grandparents as sources of wisdom and security
David Jeremiah
Grandmothers and roses are much the same. Each is a God’s masterpiece with different names
Eulogy Messages For The Loss Of A Grandmother
A eulogy is a tribute that you pay to those who have passed on from this world. If you are at a loss for words while writing your grandma’s eulogy, you can always use these personalized messages.
To my mentor and best friend. Grandma – I Love You
Thank you for building a family of love and kindness
Grandma, thank you for all you’ve taught me
Grandma, You are so very loved and deeply missed
Grandma, thanks for what you did for our family
Grandma, thank you for your infinite love and wisdom
Your stories and memories were memorable, I cherish the time we spend together
Grandma, I loved how you always for always spoiled me
Spending time with you is a favorite memory in my life, thank you for your endless love!
It is already not easy for someone to lose their grandmother, and they don’t want you to remind them of any hurtful past memories that they might have. Be careful to not mention any bitter moments if they exist. It is the time to stand by one another and show them that you care.
Another way to show your support is by being a good listener. Sometimes that is all that someone needs, for someone to listen to them vent their heart out. you can also gift them different things like a memorable throw blanket or a customized crystal.
May these messages and quotes bring some comfort to these grieving. Amen!
Also Read: Condolence Messages For The Loss Of A Grandfather