How to Find the Gold When Everything Falls Away

“To stay with that shakiness—to stay with a broken heart, with a rumbling stomach, with the feeling of hopelessness—that is the path of true awakening. Sticking with that uncertainty, getting the knack of...

4 Powerful Ways to Master the Art of Living with Uncertainty

“Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.” ~John Allen Paulos Uncertainty has always been a fact of life, but I think we can...

The Hidden Reason Your Mind Feels Cluttered

Have you ever noticed how half-done projects seem to hang out in your brain more than those you’ve completed?When we finish a task, whether it’s big or small, it quickly leaves our...

The Most Useful Mindfulness Technique I Know

“This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival.” ~Rumi When people start out with mindfulness, they want to feel better. They want all the worried, angry, or regretful thoughts to...

10 Things We Gain When We Minimize Our Stuff

I’ll never forget the day I discovered minimalism.It was an otherwise typical Saturday morning. I was outside cleaning our garage while my young son played in the yard. My wife, Kim, was...

How to Prevent Your Ego from Running Your Life

“The ego is not master in its own house.” ~Sigmund Freud What does that mean? If the ego is not in charge, who is? Before diving deeper, let me tell you this story. That Little Voice...

A New Day at Becoming Minimalist

My writing career at Becoming Minimalist has fallen into two different stages: 2008—2013 and 2013—2024.Today, begins a new one and I want to tell you about it.2008 – 2013For the first five...

Miraculous Empath Breakthrough: My Mother’s Cancer Gift

“Humbleness, forgiveness, clarity, and love are the dynamics of freedom. They are the foundations of authentic power.” ~Gary Zukav Last July, my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and began chemotherapy. She asked...

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