My new single, “Fire Spinner,” is about a girl I was seeing who was passionate about the art of fire dancing. The lyrics “Letting her love flow through those roots, tonight,” is about the practice of grounding down into the present moment, which is apparent in that type of movement.
My writing process was inspired by my daily meditation practice, as well as qi gong, kundalini yoga, vinyasa yoga, and reiki. I clear my mind with these practices on a daily basis, and that aids me in being a channel for different lyrics and melodies. The word “flow”, which consistently comes up in the chorus, is significant because it describes the state that is reached through these various modalities. I am passionate about healing myself and others and believe that music is also a very powerful healing tool. When writing, a melody usually pops into my mind first. The vibration of the melody inspires the lyrical content. This melody was upbeat and fun, and I felt it in my heart center. When breathing into that feeling, I discovered I was thinking about the girl that I liked and her hula hoops. The tune was playful and funky, just like her, and the lyrics were constructed almost instantly. I envisioned what it was like to spin fire and realized that the beat should be something that was easy to dance to and that resonated with root chakra energy. That’s when I decided that it should be deep house. My co-producer, Kevin Cho, and I got to work. I sent him my vocals and ideas, and he polished them into what the song is today. Using my practice to write songs is very cathartic for me. I have been a reiki master for several years now, and I am deeply in tune with other people’s energy. I can feel the energy shift when my songs resonate with others, and it’s deeply gratifying. I often find myself humming tunes when I am in that “flow” state, and I don’t believe it is a coincidence. I am tapping into something greater than myself when I’m writing, and that’s what my practices are all about for me.
I got into reiki because I was having a lot of health problems and injuries, and wanted to learn how to heal myself. I also wanted to learn how to heal my household and animals. My dog was dying from cancer, and I couldn’t stand to see him in pain. I recall sitting on the floor with him and doing reiki for hours. He responded well to it, often gave me kisses, and seemed to relax a lot more. I didn’t realize at the time, how well it would serve me in my musical endeavors. I have been practicing meditation since I was a child, and believe that contributed to my musical talent as well. I have been writing songs since before I could physically write. As a toddler, my mother would play guided meditations for my twin sister and me. I recall even from that very young age, the feeling of relaxation and inspiration.
For more information you can listen to the song at: https://ffm.to/firespinner and connect on at Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/devorahbeats/