Sage Goddess Virgo – Pure, True, Best You

It’s Virgo Season, and this year, we’re giving it the attention it deserves. Virgo – Pure, True, Best You is a blog for everyone, not just Virgos. We all have Virgo in our...

Sage Goddess Mabon and the Fall Equinox

For over a year, we spent so much time behind closed doors – physically deprived of our family and friends, and society as a whole. Digital devices became our only means of connecting...

Sage Goddess 8 Smudging Alternatives: Step Outside the Bundle

We’re constantly surrounded by energy – we pick up negative and positive vibrations all the time, and they affect us in a myriad of ways physically, mentally, and spiritually. Unfortunately, we can’t always...

Sage Goddess Best Crystals for Shadow Season

What is light without darkness – or darkness without light? Though the two forces are inseparable and equally vital, one sparks joy and hope, while the other tends to elicit feelings of uncertainty,...

Balancing of the Scales at Harvest Balancing of the Scales at Harvest

Have you ever felt envious of someone? Like wow, why do they seem to get what they want when I am struggling to make ends meet or find my way? That’s so unfair!...

The Mystery of Samhain and the Wisdom of Death

Samhain is the ancient Celtic festival welcoming the dark half of the year, which was always celebrated at the end of October. It was a commemoration of the dying year and the beginning...

How to Open Your Third Eye Chakra

Have you ever had a “gut feeling” about something – an intuitive instinct that surpassed logic or reason, but just felt right? If you’ve ever experienced this, chances are that you were seeing...

Sage Goddess 6 Intentions to Set for 2022

Where has the time gone? Just like that, we’ve reached the end of 2021 – and now is our chance to turn a new page and set our sights on the future. In...

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